Buy CouleurSedona French Leather Good with your card La Carte Française

The House CouleurSedona Maroquinerie is delighted to be among the selected partners of the French Card, number one gift card Made in France to offer a gift card or use it for your purchases CouleurSedona .
CouleurSedona offers you to give a gift card of the amount you wish to be deducted from the purchase of your CouleurSedona bag, or to use the French card that was offered to you as a deduction from the amount of your purchase on the website of the French leather goods brand CouleurSedona
Offer CouleurSedona with your French Card CouleurSedona
The vision of the French Card that we share on the true Made in France: it is first ”to want it”.
Explaining, proving, quantifying all the good reasons and the multiple tangible impacts of a Made in France consumption is a long term work. This first step requires a fundamental and permanent work of sensitization of the general public for which all the actors have a responsibility and a daily role to play: brands, industrialists, media, politicians, etc. In short, the whole society is concerned. Everyone can and must be a messenger. This cultural battle has been waged since the turn of the 2010s and the acceleration of deindustrialization following the 2008 crisis. It continues and is enriched by new initiatives every year.
Here is the French card. The French map is not a consumerist tool. Its goal is not to make you consume more. But better. Consuming more locally leads mechanically to consuming more ecologically. Consuming the real “Made in France” made in France, necessarily limits the pollution linked to the international transport of imports and creates jobs on our territory.